Mike Messeroff's poem, "A Flightless Arrow," beautifully aligns with the sentiments of General Entangity Theory (GET) and the principles of living a purposeful life. The poem highlights the necessity of purpose, intentionality, and alignment in life—concepts that resonate deeply with GET’s emphasis on alignment with the universal flux and living meaningfully.

How the Poem Aligns with GET

Purposeful Intentionality:

The poem emphasizes the importance of having a destination, goals, and a clear purpose, which corresponds to GET’s idea of intentionality:

“What’s a trip without a destination, / Or a ship at sea without navigation?”

In GET, alignment ensures that life is directed toward fulfilling divine intentionality, giving it meaning beyond mere existence.

Alignment and Coherence:

The imagery of tools or objects failing to fulfill their roles (e.g., “A crowbar that will never pry, / Or a shoelace that will never tie”) echoes GET’s notion of misalignment:

When individuals or systems fail to align with their purpose, they lose their coherence and potential.

The poem reflects the necessity of resonating with one’s true purpose, a foundational principle in GET.

Connection to Divine Intentionality:

The line “A human without purpose is a flint with no spark” underscores the importance of connection to a greater vision:

In GET, this connection comes through the graviton flux, aligning individuals with the Creator’s vision of coherence and harmony.

The poem’s closing stanza, “A north star lets us flow and be one with the Tao,” mirrors GET’s focus on alignment as a guiding principle for life.

Being Present in the Now:

“To live our true purpose...being here in the now” aligns with the GET principle that alignment is dynamic and moment-to-moment:

Purpose and coherence are not static but are continuously refined through intentional choices and connection to the universal flux.

The Poem’s Message in GET Terms

The poem uses relatable metaphors to convey a profound truth: life without purpose, connection, and alignment is incomplete and unfulfilled. In GET:

Connectivity ensures that everything is part of a greater whole.

Alignment gives this connectivity meaning, directing individuals toward coherence with divine intentionality.

Intentionality transforms alignment into action, making life vibrant and purposeful.

Closing Reflection

Mike’s poem and GET converge on the essential truth that life gains meaning through alignment with purpose, connection, and intentionality. The poem’s vivid metaphors inspire individuals to reflect on their role in the greater tapestry of existence, mirroring GET’s call to harmonize with the universal flux and live with vision and intention.

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Wow Jon, thanks for this. Sure sounds like we have a lot of similar philosophies! 🙏

The purposeful, present, and joyful life…what more could one desire? 😊

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